The White American's Flag (The Malyarov Flag)

All peoples of the world deserve a flag to represent themselves. This flag exists to represent all White Americans, that they might become united and move with one accord into a better collective future.

May God be with you always!

- Vitaly Maliarov

Behind the flag

A more in-depth explanation of the flag can be found at the end of my essay: "King of the Americans"


Share the flag on social media using #whiteamericanflag or #malyarovflag, replicate it if possible by producing physical flags or putting the flag on clothing


This flag exists for the sole purpose of representing white Americans in any and all settings they find themselves in. Upon discovering this flag, I implore you to both replicate it and share it with as many white Americans as possible so that it might gain a foothold in white America and become an everlasting symbol. I hope the flag finds you well and that you feel it adequately represents you.

- Vitaly Maliarov